Tuesday, September 25, 2007

David's Drive

Last Monday Neville had the opportunity to donate a day's work on behalf of a fundraiser called David's Drive. This was the inaugural event to commemorate the life of David Strauss, a psychologist who dedicated his life to enhancing the lives of people with brain injuries. He co-founded a company called ReMed, located in Paoli. ReMed provides therapy and supported living services for over 100 clients striving to live a normalized life with their brain injuries. David passed away a couple of years ago after a year-long battle with a brain tumor. This was the same type of brain tumor that Lori's father passed away from five years ago. The fundraiser benefitted a new organization called the Council on Brain Injury (CoBI). The CoBI is a not-for-profit organization supported by ReMed who's mission is to support efforts across the brain injury spectrum that help individuals with brain injury and their families return to living their lives as fully as possible.

David's Drive was attended by over 100 golfers and many volunteers from ReMed. It was a gorgeous day in the 70's. Everyone had a lot of fun golfing with friends and collegues. The usual contests were held such as hole-in-one holes, longest drives, and straightest shots. After the golfing was over a reception was held to honor a couple of other people who have contributed to the awareness and treatment of brain injuries. The first was Keith Primeau, retired captain of the Philadelphia Flyers. He suffered a concussion early in the 2005 NHL season and has been dealing with symptoms since then. He has been working to raise awareness of head injury within youth sports programs and the impact it has on kid's lives. The second award was presented to Dr. Keith Robinson, recognizing his work as a physician for people with brain injuries. He is currently heading up the the program at the VA in Philadelphia for treatment of the soldiers returning from Iraq with head injuries.

This was truly a wonderful event, benefitting a great cause. Neville was blessed to be a part of the event.

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