Saturday, May 26, 2007

John & Katherine Engagement

5/26/07 - For our third session of the day, we headed over to Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, to meet up with John & Katherine. Little did we know how eventful this time would become!!! There have been many memorable moments for us over the years, but this will rank among the top! The last of these five images gives you an indication as to how it ended!

These two were a blast to work with as they relaxed very quickly in front of the camera and really showed us who they are as a couple - their love and enjoyment of each other shown through from the very start. As we moved through the gardens, we had endless possibilities before us to get creative. Suddenly, as we were at the far end of the gardens, the heavens opened up as an incredible thunderstorm hit!! Not even a heavy covering of leaves helped us to stay dry. The four of us got real close as we all huddled under our small, circular reflector. After a few minutes of this we realized the reflector was only serving to keep our camera from getting wet - so, we cut our losses and made a run for the cover of the main visitors center. Jumping in one of the ponds wouldn't have made us more wet!! We would have loved to do more, but certainly had plenty of images to work with - so, after one final image of John & Katherine out in the rain, we decided to head to warmth of our cars! We can't wait to record the memories of their wedding day next month - lets hope its eventful in another way!

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