Monday, May 07, 2007

May 5, 2007 Lauren & Ben get married

We had the pleasure of photographing the wedding of Lauren and Ben on Saturday. Everything was held at Hyatt Penn's Landing in Philadelphia so we headed downtown for the big day. It was great that both Ben and Lauren got ready at the hotel so Neville hung out with the guys while Lori was with the girls for all the getting ready festivities. Lauren was an elegant bride and her bridesmaids were top notch. They were so helpful to Lauren and to us too! Thanks Mary and Meg - this is our shout out to you! Everyone met up for the Ketubah signing and then we did the formals and had fun with the wedding party. You'll have to check out the images on the website (recent moments gallery) to see what happens when jumping shots go wrong.

Neville and I had a weekend get away in March. We stayed downtown and while we were there, checked out the Hyatt. We had been fantasizing about a shot since that time, and Ben and Lauren made it into reality and better then we had imagined! All the interior decorating was fantastic, we had so much fun utilizing the backgrounds we were surrounded by.

The night was filled with fun and laughter. We enjoyed every moment. Thank you Ben and Lauren for a wonderful time. Have a great honeymoon and safe trip back home to California.

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